Monday, July 07, 2014

Joshua wearing his coonskin cap

Reading his favorite book with Daddy

Jon on Pulau Kosong (the island)

Mommy and Joshua


playing with markers, 5 minutes before we went grocery shopping

Joshua's favorite toy, the cold water dispenser

Jungle boy

Friday, July 04, 2014

Photos for Nana

Jadon in the hamock.  The German Shepherd is Bandit.  We are dog sitting him until January.

Joshua learning to feed himself.  Still working on it!

Taking new family pictures.  I think it was the hottest day of the year!  

Brendan can read!  Reading to Joshua

Our superheroes and their little cat Ted

I just like this one.

Makes me smile!

Makes me laugh out loud! This is our dog, Earth.  Our friends gave her to us after our break-in.  Yes, she is licking his whole face!